Rocío Aldana

Subnational Coordination Specialist of the Project to Support Climate Change Management

Rocío is a Forest Engineer graduated from Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, and she has a master’s degree in Ecology from the Paris Sud University, Paris XI, France. She also has a diploma in Integrated Management Systems: quality, environment, safety, health and social responsibility.

She has professional experience in projects related to climate change and in the use of standards to certify projects on emission reduction and their commercialization in the voluntary market. Moreover, Rocío has participated in consultancies closely related to forestry issues, specifically in the determination of carbon potential in rural communities. Her work experience also includes the development of plans for capacity building in inter-institutional management for conservation areas and the development of workshops on environmental education for communities, municipalities, education centers, among others. As research analyst in Libélula, she has collaborated in the PlanCC project.

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