About Us

Our calling: Change the course, change the world.

The spirit of Libélula has always kept us constantly heading towards a sustainable future and today, more than ever, we know that sustainability is the only solution to the systematic problems humanity faces.

The environmental crisis generated by the rise in greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations in the atmosphere; the degradation of natural resources, ecosystems and biodiversity; as well as inequity and social disconnection, puts the stability and continuation of human life on earth at risk. To us, every challenge is an opportunity to transform and, to actually transform the world, we must change our course first.

This is the reason why Libélula was born in 2007, in the light of a great dream: to connect the key transformation stakeholders in order to face the global challenge that is climate change and work together for a world with zero emissions, zero waste, zero poverty and with 100% of ecosystems restored, where human beings coexist in harmony, within the limits of the planet. Find out more about how we contribute to these objectives in our environmental and sustainability policies.

In 2015, we became a Certified B Company

To us, being a Certified B Company validates our triple impact business model and shows our commitment to contribute to the solution of the great social and environmental problems.

Why “Libélula”?

Libélula started as a dream of transformation: a dream without a name, until a dragonfly came into what used to be our first office then.

This event awakened our curiosity and, after researching more about this species, we discovered that dragonflies (Libélula in Spanish) can take flight quickly, have a 360° vision and can be found in all regions and climates. Furthermore, they play a key role in mantaining the balance of the ecosystem it lives in, and they symbolize the link between nature and transformation for several cultures. This is how our dream finally had a name: Libélula.

Our history
