What we offer?

We quantify your impact and identify your risks

We design your roadmap to sustainability

We train your team

We communicate and position your projects and initiatives

We facilitate high-impact processes

We manage your regional projects

We quantify your impact and identify your risks

The first concrete step towards sustainability is to measure your footprint; that is the impact your organization has on the planet. We advise you in order to improve the competitiveness of your organization, reduce its impact on the environment and align it towards sustainable development.

Development of trend and benchmark reports per sector
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Environmental impact assessment – Carbon Footprint
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Huella Hídrica y certificación azul
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Evaluación de Riesgos Climáticos
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Development of corporate sustainability success stories
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Corporate sustainability strategy (design and implementation)
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Ad-hoc technical assistance
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Programas de Economía Circular
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Calculation of emission inventories
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Development of emissions scenarios and mitigation options
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Vulnerability assessment
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Policy and project impact assessment
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Express NDC: make a climate commitment and implement NDCs
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Experience systematization
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Ad-hoc research and consulting services on climate change
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Why does your organization need it?



The following has become evident among consumers worldwide post COVID-19: digital transformation, health and solidarity economy. Source: McKinsey



According to WEF’s Global Risks Report 2020, 5 environmental risks were among the most relevant. Source: WEF


of Peruvians

claim to have changed their habits in the face of the advance of climate change, being Peru one of the 6 countries with the highest change rate. Source: WEF, 2020

We design your roadmap to sustainability

Strategic sustainability management can become a competitive advantage for companies —and the country— since it not only improves their reputation but also promotes their growth and development. At Libélula, we guide you step by step so you can take action towards reducing your footprint and building corporate resilience.

Corporate Carbon Neutrality Program
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Ad-hoc environmental consulting services
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Why does your organization need it?


in savings

achieved by Supermercados Peruanos thanks to sustainable best practices. Source: Sprout Social



A low-carbon economic recovery could also create more jobs and economic growth than a high-carbon recovery could. Source: McKinsey

24 M


and 1 billion dollars in economic opportunities by 2030 for Latin American businesses in compliance with SDGs. Source: ILO

We train your team

To face the global challenge of climate change and transform reality successfully, it is necessary for our teams to acquire the necessary tools and skills to train others internally. At Libélula, we design and facilitate workshops that provide relevant information and inspiring cases so that people can act with conviction and coherence.

Membresía corporativa
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Corporate membership
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Online training workshops and courses
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Senior management workshops
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Why does your organization need it?


of world population

prefers to work for socially responsible companies. Source: E&Y


of young workers (18-34 age)

expect their employer to take a stand on important matters affecting the country: immigration, equality of rights and climate change.


of experts

identify sustainability-related values as the main quality in leading corporations. Source: Globe Scan, 2017

We communicate and position your projects and initiatives

We promote ideas that inspire and drive the change the world needs. Today, more than ever, it is necessary to build and communicate a coherent brand, whose purpose is the common good, aligned with a corporate mission and vision. Through our strategies and communication plans, we help you position yourself with your target audience by showing our clients’ commitment to society and the planet.

High-impact communication campaigns
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Calculadora de Huella Personal para organizaciones
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Digital positioning strategies
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Identidad de marca y branding con propósito
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Brand identity and branding
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Digital platform development
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High-impact publication designs
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Estrategia y difusión de eventos y talleres
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Why does your organization need it?


of Peruvian consumers

expect brands to state how they contribute to the future of the country. Source: GfK Perú


of consumers

want brands to get involved and take a stand. Source: Sprout Social


of consumers worldwide

value brands with a “purpose”. Source: GlobeScan


We facilitate high-impact processes

Promoting climate action involves hitting a nerve in people to “make things happen” and respond to the climate urgency. Libélula designs and facilitates processes to reach agreements among the stakeholders, using the best information available and generating safe spaces to build trust and increase ambition.

Online events and workshops
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Green economy
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Design and facilitation of processes to coordinate with key stakeholders in order to generate public policies
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We manage your regional projects

We draft and implement projects, always incorporating the key components of knowledge communication and management. Libélula uses theory of change methodologies and a logical framework to maximize impacts in the search of constant improvement and stakeholder engagement.

High-impact project development, implementation and management
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Some of our clients
