Alicia Medina-Valdiviezo

Method and Project Management Manager

Alicia is an Environmental Engineer from the National Agrarian University La Molina (2006-2011, UNALM). Through a scholarship awarded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), she pursued master’s studies at the University of Bayreuth (2017-2019, Germany) in Global Change Ecology, where she specialized in solutions based on social-ecological systems.

She has more than 10 years of experience in developing relationships with the private sector, international cooperation and academia to facilitate the design and execution of sustainable solutions in the current global context. She has contributed to the measurement of different sustainability indicators (e.g. carbon emissions inventory, water footprint, etc.); as well as, in the formulation of appropriate strategies for the management and reduction of carbon emissions, which allow effective climate action by the private sector in Latin America, aligned with the SDGs and a low-carbon economy.

Currently, Alicia works as Method and Knowledge Management Manager at Libélula, and also provides technical advice to projects that involve the development of strategies, the creation of alliances and the strengthening of capacities, as well as good governance for the management of the Climate change and sustainability in organizations.

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