Diego Salas

Diego has a degree in Accounting and Finance from the Ricardo Palma University, with more than 3 years of experience... Read more

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4 weeks ago
1 minute

Christian Loo

Christian has a degree in Industrial Engineering from PUCP, currently studying the specialisation in Big Data and Business Intelligence at... Read more

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5 months ago
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Ericka Garcia

Degree in Communication Sciences from the University of Lima. With a diploma in Digital Advertising from the Toulouse Lautrec. In... Read more

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10 months ago
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Natalia Torres

Bachelor in Forestry Sciences from the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, with experience in forest plantation project management, forest inventories... Read more

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12 months ago
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Vanessa Vidal

Graduated in Banking and Finance Administration at CERTUS Institute She has more than 5 years of experience in the administrative,... Read more

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1 year ago
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Valeria Muñoz

Valeria has a bachelor’s degree in Forest Engineering from the Universidad Nacional Agraria la Molina (UNALM) and has a specialization... Read more

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2 years ago
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Alisson Fuentes

Alisson has a Bachelor’s degree in Fisheries Engineering from the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina with a specialization in Environmental... Read more

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2 years ago
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Ana Garrido

Contadora Pública de la Universidad Cesar Vallejo, con más de 5 años de experiencia en el área de Contabilidad, ha trabajado en empresas como Tiendas Peruanas S.A. (Oechsle) y Rinol Pavimenta S.A.C. (Rubro construcción). Con amplia experiencia en provisiones de gastos, pago de detracciones, conciliaciones bancarias y apoyo en la presentación de libros electrónicos, cobranzas, costeos de importación, análisis de cuentas contables y preparación de archivos de Balance.

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2 years ago
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Johanna Rodríguez Sánchez

Bachelor in Industrial Engineering, graduated in tenth grade and winner of a full scholarship from Pronabec (Academic Excellence) at ESAN University.

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2 years ago
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Trevor Francis

Trevor has a bachelor’s degree in Services Administration from Universidad de Piura. He has studied international business and entrepreneurship and innovation at Universidad de Los Andes in Colombia.

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2 years ago
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Lorena Valverde

Lorena has a Bachelor of International Business from the University of Lima, occupying 2nd place in her class. She has... Read more

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4 years ago
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Annelies Castañeda

Annelies forma parte del equipo de nexos+1 y de los proyectos que se vienen realizando en alianza con UNEP DTU partnership.

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4 years ago
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