Lorena Valverde

Commercial Assistant

Lorena has a Bachelor of International Business from the University of Lima, occupying 2nd place in her class. She has also been a beneficiary of the Academic Excellence Scholarship Program “Semillero de Talentos Patronato BCP” of the Banco de Crédito del Perú throughout her university years.

Lorena has knowledge in the Commercial field, International Markets, Environmental Sustainability, Strategic Planning and International Logistics. Within his work experience, he is part of the commercial team, providing support to the sales team in the management of the main tools of the area for strategic decision making and to the multilateral team in national and international bidding processes, providing support in both the identification as in the preparation of the proposals.

Additionally, he is part of the Planning, Evaluation and Reporting team that is in charge of Libélula’s strategy during its transformation process and the Method and Knowledge Management team that is in charge of better structuring the processes and tools that the company manages with the objective of enhancing the collective intelligence of the Dragonflies to address the problems and opportunities (structural and non-structural) that are presented to us and exceed our short and long-term objectives.

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