Johanna Rodríguez Sánchez

Talent and Culture Analyst

Johanna has a bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering, graduated from upper tenth grade and is a recipient of a comprehensive scholarship from Pronabec (Academic Excellence) at ESAN University.

She has experience in human management in companies such as Celima – Trebol, Net Axxes (Claro) and now in Libélula.

Johanna currently works as Talent and Culture Assistant. The main functions and activities that she performs are related to ensuring the well-being of the team, being support and being an articulated arm in coordination, process automation and standardization tools for the area.

He is also the leader of the B recertification process, working hand in hand with a multidisciplinary team where he is responsible for ensuring the quality of the information for the evaluation process required by System B, and that it is effectively uploaded to the platform, in the established time and with the requested support.

Johanna is very willing to learn and continuously adapt, with the purpose of improving her training, acquiring experiences and developing personally and professionally.

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