DecarBOOST Peru

Financing emission reductions and resilience building

The DecarBOOST Peru project seeks to articulate relevant actors and provide technical information that contributes to create the necessary enabling conditions for financial flows in Peru to align with low-emission trajectories. Thus, the project plans to develop regulatory proposals (public and private sector), financial instruments and investment opportunities to finance the implementation of the NDCs and the increase of ambition within the framework of a green recovery.

Learn more about the DecarBOOST project in Peru:


The Decarboost Peru Project is structured in 2 types of approach: top-down and bottom-up to properly implement the structural and specific measures necessary for a low-carbon economy.


It includes structural or transversal measures that can generate structural changes in the economy and are transversal to relevant sectors for climate action. The prioritized measures for the analysis are: carbon pricing (reverse auction), green criteria for financing, green criteria for investment (budget allocation, PPP, public investment), prioritization and tenders.


It includes specific measures that can be implemented and replicated by the private and / or public sector to reduce emissions. The prioritized measures for the analysis are: teleworking, good practices of the private sector related to renewable energy

The Decarboost Project is structured into three results that will be developed with a focus on three main sectors:




DecarBOOST is implemented in Peru by:
