Financing carbon neutrality in cities: Investment opportunities and mitigation options

Financing carbon neutrality in cities: Investment opportunities and mitigation options
Thursday, October 20th
12 h ARG (17 CEST)

About the event

The event “Financing Carbon Neutrality in Cities: Investment Opportunities and Mitigation Options” was held during the C40 Mayors Summit in Buenos Aires.

Representatives from Argentina, Brazil and Peru presented the results of the identification carried out by the Decarboost Project on the enabling conditions and financing strategies for climate mitigation with a focus on the urban level within the framework of the carbon neutrality commitments assumed by the cities that They are part of C40.

Case studies were shared to analyze investment opportunities and concrete mitigation options at the city level in the energy, transportation, corporate and waste sectors. Mitigation options in the transport and waste sectors. The case of biomethane in Rio de Janeiro (Emilio Lebre La Rovere, Climate Center COPPE/UFRJ, Brazil) Decentralized coworking as an option and response in times of pandemic and its contribution in the fight against climate change (Blanca Rengifo, Libélula, Peru) Charging infrastructure to accelerate electromobility in Mendoza (Argentina) Energy efficiency and Energy Service Companies (ESCO) for market development (Micaela Carlino, FTDT, Argentina)

12 a 12.10 am
Welcome and presentation of panelists
Micaela Carlino (Fundación Torcuato Di Tella, Argentina)
12.10 a 12.40 am
Presentation of case studies
Mitigation options in the transportation and waste sectors. The case of biomethane (Brazil)
Emilio Lebre La Rovere (Centro Clima/ COPPE/UFRJ – Brasil)
Decentralized coworking as an option and response in times of pandemic and its contribution to the fight against climate change (Perú)
Blanca Rengifo (Libélula Comunicación Ambiente y Desarrollo – Perú)
Charging infrastructure for electric mobility and energy efficiency (Argentina)
Luciano Caratori, Gerardo Rabinovich y Andrea Heins (Fundación Torcuato Di Tella, Argentina)
12.40 a 12.55 am
Space for dialogue and Q&A
12.55 a 13.00 pm
Acknowledgment and closing remarks

Video of the event

Shared presentations

Mitigation actions and investment opportunities in cities: The case of Rio De Janeiro

Infraestructura de carga para la movilidad eléctrica: proyecto piloto en la ciudad de Mendoza

Financiando la carbono neutralidad en ciudades – Eficiencia Energética

Portafolio de oportunidades de inversión en Perú


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