Polo Macera

Founding Partner

Leopoldo (Polo) has a degree in Communication Science from Universidad de San Martín de Porres. As a grantee from Fundación Carolina, he received a master’s degree in Sustainable Development and Corporate Responsibility from EOI Business School in Madrid, Spain.

Polo has technical expertise in subjects such as climate change vulnerability, adaptation and mitigation, as well as GHG inventories. Some highlights among the projects for which he implemented communication strategies, coordinating interdisciplinary groups of specialists, are PROCLIM, PRAA (Andean Regional Project for Climate Change Adaptation/Adaptation to the impact of accelerated glacier retreat in tropical Andes), PACC Perú (Program for Climate Change Adaptation), and events such as InterCLIMA, as well as activities related to the Second National Communication to the UNFCCC.

Likewise, as creative director at Libélula, Polo has vast experience in the development of papers and graphic and AV pieces aimed at environmental issues with different approaches, facilitating access to multiple audiences and cultural contexts.

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