Grecia Gutiérrez Rivasplata

Project Analyst - C&D

Grecia is a biologist from the Universidad Nacional Agraria la Molina, and has more than 9 years of professional experience in the management of natural resources, formulation and execution of projects with a focus on sustainability and climate change, environmental education and organization of events for dissemination of scientific research.

She is a scholarship recipient of the YLAI: Young Leaders of the Americas Initiative program, from the Office of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) program of the United States Department of State. She has an International Diploma in Sustainable Development from ESAN and a Diploma in Biodiversity Management from UNMSM.

She currently works as a Project Analyst at Libélula, participating and managing projects for the private sector, international cooperation and the public sector, contributing to environmental agendas and sustainability goals. Greece also participates in the coordination and execution of GHG Inventories in companies in various sectors, under the standards of ISO 14064-1:2018 and GHG Protocol, as well as in the coordination and execution of water footprints in companies in the industrial sector under the ISO 14046 standards. It also contributes to the technical execution of the Nexos+1 membership by providing support to member companies in workshops to strengthen capabilities and specialized technical advice.

Greece has training courses at the national and international level and advanced command of the English language.

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