Relatórios e Publicações

DecarBOOST gera relatórios e publicações

Reportes y Publicaciones
crisis planetaria

How to address the Triple Planetary Crises in Latin America

This is the second of two reports that cover insights from ongoing research undertaken within the DecarBOOST programme. This includes developing policies and frameworks that enable private sector investment associated with enhancing climate finance. We also assessed the role of Long-Term (Climate) Strategies (LTS), and provided insights on how the region could take advantage of the Glasgow Climate Pact agreements and the associated international voluntary pledges and initiatives launched around COP26 in Glasgow.

Pub: ago 2023
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Hydrogen fuel storage and solar panel with wind turbines, green power concept, 3d illustration rendering

The Role of Hydrogen in Decarbonisation – Investment Opportunities for Latin America

Hydrogen is expected to play an important role in the decarbonisation effort to keep global warming at 1.5 degrees. Net-zero models foresee its share in final energy consumption ranging between 3-20% by 2050. For hydrogen technologies to fulfil this role, sizeable investments need to be made to reduce production costs and improve end-use applications.

Pub: fev 2023
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Aerial view of sustainable electrical power plant between agricultural farmlands with photovoltaic panels for producing clean electric energy. Concept of renewable electricity with zero emission.

Climate investment in the food and agriculture sector in Latin America

This report is the second of a series of three reports looking into investments needed to meet the climate mitigation objectives of the Paris Agreement in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC).
This second edition focuses on the agriculture and food sector, analysing the status of the sector’s alignment with the objectives of the Paris Agreement and identifying investment opportunities that have the potential for transformational change to net zero emissions.

Pub: fev 2023
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Preliminary lessons from Argentina, Brazil and Peru on financing NDCs

The International Dialogue Project-Level Input Dossiers is a series of two reports that cover insights from ongoing research undertaken within the DecarBOOST project. In this first edition, key lessons and insights from the project partners in Argentina, Brazil and Peru, are shared to enhance Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and Long-Term Strategies (LTS) that are compatible with Paris Agreement, and to add value to international dialogues through peer-learning and knowledge exchange among countries in the Latin American and Caribbean region, and internationally.

Pub: nov 2022
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Challenges and Opportunities for the Decarbonization of Latin America

This report was written by Maria Margarita Cabrera and Jorge Hinojosa from the CCAP Climate Finance Program. The authors would like to thank Libélula for their cooperation and support in the preparation of this document. In particular, we acknowledge the valuable contributions and commitment of the DecarBOOST team, Maite Cigarán, Pablo Santillán, Alexis Echevarría, Stefanía Sibille and Andrea Fonseca

Pub: maio 2022
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Deep Decarbonization Latin America Project

Deep Decarbonization Latin America Project

El presente informe es una revisión de las políticas implementadas en varios países, con un énfasis en Brasil, Australia y Canadá. En términos generales se concluye que estos países tienen puntos en común que pueden resultar interesantes a la hora de evaluar la situación argentina y el diseño de políticas.

Pub: mar 2022
Transiciones financieras, financiamiento climático y finanzas sostenibles

Transiciones financieras, financiamiento climático y finanzas sostenibles

El propósito de esta nota es examinar las diversas cuestiones vinculadas con el financiamiento climático, las finanzas sostenibles y con los cambios estructurales que debieran permitir una apropiada transición financiera con la implementación del Acuerdo de París.

Pub: dez 2021

Lançamento do relatório Climate Transparency Report 2021

Às vésperas da Cúpula do G20 em Roma e da COP26 em Glasgow, o Climate Transparency lança o Relatório de Transparência Climática 2021, editado anualmente em parceria com organizações parceiras dos países do G20. O lançamento do estudo será na próxima quinta, 14 de outubro, às 15h, com transmissão ao vivo pelo canal do #CBC no YouTube. Será possível conhecer as principais conclusões da ação climática do G20 rumo à rede zero, bem como as perspectivas regionais e políticas.MOSTRAR MENOS

Pub: out 2021